Leader Consultancy
I work in an advisory capacity to organisation leaders, providing new research or thinking, a sounding board for strategy, structure, communication, and direct feedback and personal support in handling relationships with colleagues, direct reports, and independent Board members.

Team development
I run bespoke sessions and events for natural work teams, at leadership or operational level. Designed by me to meet particular needs and challenges, I facilitate a process to identify individual member perspectives and objectives, and use tools and techniques such as Myers Briggs Type Indicator, group process, to develop more effective team performance.

Organisation Development
I design relevant interventions to enable the design or development of the organisation towards the stated strategic goals. Sometimes this also requires work on structure, roles and senior recruitment or behaviours to change performance. I am also able to work specifically with HR teams , where needed, to audit performance and delivery, and support the re design of the function.

As a core skill area of mine, I facilitate workshops, seminars, usually using a process designed by me to enable large groups to develop thinking and process around strategic issues.


I have a range of tools at my disposal and the disposal of my clients.

I am trained to administer the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator. This is a very useful tool for teams wanting to build their understanding of each other and so create a more effective and cohesive team.

I use Responsibility Charting often to clarify the roles and overlaps at senior management level. I have my own framework for team effectiveness that simply describes the range of ingredients that a team needs to ensure effective and low stress performance.